Liu Qibao surveyed the construction of a national culture park for the Great Wall in Shanxi and Hebei.
The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) opened its 22nd annual meeting in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, on August 14.
Su Hui, vice-chairwoman of the CPPCC National Committee led league members on a survey trip to Fujian province on Aug 3-6.
The first meeting of the symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Sichuan-Gansu-Qinghai water conservation region was held in Ruoergai.
The Standing Committee of the 12th Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) convened its fifth session on the support for private enterprises by videoconference in Beijing on July 28.
Zhang Qingli led a survey of the building the digital Silk Road in Shenzhen from July 23 to 25.
The Committee on Economic Affairs held a videoconference on the development of China's housing rental market.
Chen Xiaoguang led a survey tour of innovative tech enterprises in East China's Shandong province on July 13 and 14.
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