Shen Yueyue leads inspection on desertification control and ecological projects in Gansu

Updated: 2024-08-31

Shen Yueyue, vice-chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), led a team to Northwest China's Gansu province from Aug 25 to 29 to inspect work on the comprehensive control of desertification and the advancement of key ecological projects, including the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program. 

The team visited Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye and Jiuquan to learn about efforts in sand control and ecological protection and restoration, and held working meetings with local departments. 

The team commended Gansu province for its achievements in sand control and ecological restoration. They emphasized the importance of prioritizing ecological protection, and urged local governments to take a coordinated approach to advancing green development and improving people's livelihoods. The team also highlighted cross-departmental collaboration and coordination across all levels in desertification control endeavors. Tailored strategies should be applied based on local conditions, with enhanced technological support, they noted. The team also called for active participation from all sectors of society in the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program. CPPCC members need to build consensus, tap their roles in consultative supervision, and contribute wisdom to the fortification of the green ecological barrier in North China and the building of a Beautiful China, according to the team. 

During the inspection tour, the team also carried out science popularization activities on desertification control and prevention for grassroots officials and local communities.



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