Exchange association marks 400th anniversary of Zheng Chenggong’s birth

Updated: 2024-08-30

The Across the Strait Taiwan Compatriots Exchange Association (ASTEA) hosted an event in Beijing on Aug 27 to mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of Zheng Chenggong, a national hero who expelled Dutch colonists from Taiwan and recovered the island in 1662 for the nation. 

More than 200 representatives from various sectors on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, including political parties, kinship associations, academics, media outlets and students, were invited to commemorate Zheng’s achievements. The event aimed to carry forward the tradition of patriotism among Taiwan compatriots, and envision the prospect of a peaceful reunification of the motherland.

Su Hui, vice-chairwoman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and head of the ASTEA, delivered a speech at the commemoration.

Su said that Zheng's historic success proved that Chinese civilization contains outstanding features of continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peacefulness. His accomplishment was a proud chapter in the long history of Chinese resistance to external aggression and struggles against separatism, and an example of how to build a beautiful homeland.

She called on compatriots on both sides of the Strait to respect their historical origins, strengthen self-confidence in Chinese culture and history, and forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. 

She called for efforts to fully embed Zheng's patriotic deeds as a common historical memory on both sides of the Strait, unite and guide compatriots in firmly understanding the inevitable trend of the reunification of the motherland, steadfastly safeguard the common homeland of the Chinese nation, and promote peaceful and integrated development of cross-Strait relations.

Su also called for proactive efforts to build national unity and rejuvenation, and deepen mutual understanding and learning through frequent visits, to join hands on the journey towards the great goal of national reunification. 

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