Meeting held on promoting coordinated ecological progress in Chishui River Basin

Updated: 2024-07-03

Guided by the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK) Central Committee and co-hosted by the Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provincial committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a meeting on the coordinated promotion of ecological progress in the Chishui River Basin was held in Luzhou, Southwest China's Sichuan province, on June 28. He Baoxiang, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and executive vice-chairman of the RCCK Central Committee, attended and addressed the meeting. 

He said that boosting the high-quality development of ecological civilization in the Chishui River Basin is the mission of the times to advance the harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature, an inherent requirement to coordinate security and development and safeguard development and ecology, and a vivid practice of "joining hands to conserve the Yangtze River and avoid excessive development" in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. 

He underlined the importance of fully leveraging the advantages of the CPPCC's talent pools, calling on CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research on the development and protection of the Chishui River Basin, strengthen democratic supervision, and provide advice to support government decision-making and follow-up implementation. He also called for giving full play to the CPPCC's extensive connections to mobilize the enthusiasm of local enterprises and people to jointly protect the eco-environment of the Chishui River Basin, and enhance the awareness of the basin community, so as to make greater contribution to the overall rural vitalization and Chinese modernization.

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