Yang Zhen leads inspection in Hunan on consumption-investment mutual promotion

Updated: 2024-06-23 en.cppcc.gov.cn

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee dispatched a team of non-Communist Party of China members from its Committee on Proposals to Central China's Hunan province from June 17 to 21, to inspect work on creating a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion between consumption and investment, one of the key proposals submitted to the annual session of the CPPCC National Committee this year. Yang Zhen, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, led the team and delivered remarks at a symposium held in Changde city. 

The team visited the cities of Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Yiyang and Changde to learn about the current situation of local enterprise operations, science and technology research and development, financial services and university disciplinary development. They visited hospitals and residential communities to gain insights into the local integration of medical services and elderly care, as well as health-related consumption. They also went to villages and streets to survey local practices in rural vitalization, the integration of culture and tourism, and unleashing the potential of tourism consumption. 

The team built broad consensus with representatives from local government departments, experts, entrepreneurs, and grassroots representatives on promoting the high-quality handling of relevant CPPCC key proposals to facilitate the formation of a virtuous cycle in which consumption and investment reinforce each other. 

The team noted that consumption and investment are two important components of domestic demand, and are crucial for unimpeded domestic circulation and in maintaining the stable and sustained growth of China's economy. 

They called for thorough understanding of the benign cycle as a strategic requirement for building a new development paradigm, an internal requirement for promoting high-quality development, and an indispensable requirement for meeting the people's need for a better life. 

The CPPCC members called for the contribution of wisdom and strength, and multiple measures to stimulate consumption, attract investment, expand domestic demand, and stabilize economic growth, so as to advance Chinese modernization and the country's high-quality development.

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