Wang Yong leads survey on transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries in Hunan

Updated: 2024-05-21

Wang Yong, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), led a team from the Committee on Economic Affairs of the CPPCC National Committee to Central China's Hunan province from May 14 to 17, to survey the acceleration of the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries.

The team visited industrial parks, production workshops, and research and development centers in the cities of Changsha, Xiangtan, and Zhuzhou, and held discussions with grassroots officials as well as corporate leaders and staff to learn about Hunan's practices and explorations in transforming and upgrading the province's traditional manufacturing.

The team acknowledged Hunan's efforts in prioritizing the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries as a key measure for promoting the rise of Central China and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. These efforts have achieved new progress in establishing a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing, the successful shift from old to new growth drivers, and the fostering of new quality productive forces, marking a solid step forward in high-quality economic and social development in the region.

The team stressed the need to fully implement the new development philosophy and leverage the supporting role of scientific and technological innovation in carrying out major technological upgrades and large-scale equipment renewal in manufacturing, as well as to accelerate the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing industries. 

Efforts are needed to build public technological service platforms and improve the coordinated mechanism for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries, in a bid to achieve high-end, intelligent, and green development.

The team also said that the CPPCC should fully tap its consultative role,  earnestly summarize and refine the practical experience of Hunan, and gather practical suggestions on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries and cultivating new quality productive forces at a high level, in a bid to contribute wisdom and strength to the building of a strong country in all respects and the national rejuvenation.

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