Wang Guangqian leads survey on high-quality development of eco-environmental protection industry in Beijing

Updated: 2024-05-02

On April 28, Wang Guangqian, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and executive vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League (CDL), led a team from the Committee on Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee to survey efforts in promoting the high-quality development of the eco-environmental protection industry at the China Association of Environmental Protection Industry (CAEPI) in Beijing. 

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the CAEPI, which has witnessed and participated in the transformation and development of China's environmental sector. 

Through onsite visits, promotional videos, and discussions, the team learned about the overall situation of the association over the past 40 years, the development of the environmental protection industry, and the work of relevant professional committees of the association. The team also exchanged views with two members of the CPPCC National Committee at the association to learn about their work and the fulfillment of their duties. 

The team emphasized the need to seize development opportunities, focus on the goal of energy conservation and carbon reduction, attach equal importance to improving the quality and efficiency of the industry and structural optimization, and promote technological and service innovation to enhance the industry's development. 

Efforts are needed to improve relevant policies so that the industry is better driven by the market and technologies, with new growth points incubated. In addition, the role of industry associations should be leveraged in guiding corporate self-discipline and promoting industrial exchanges and cooperation, in order to pool forces in the industry to continuously improve the quality of the ecological environment and comprehensively promote the construction of a Beautiful China.

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