CPPCC holds consultation meeting on strengthening legal protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage

Updated: 2024-05-02 en.cppcc.gov.cn

On April 30, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) held a consultation meeting at the Chinese Academy of History in Beijing, organizing its members from the participating group of social sciences and officials from relevant departments to discuss strengthening the legal protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage. 

Zhou Qiang, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. 

Zhou pointed out that the CPPCC fully leverages the roles of people's organizations and its members of different participating groups in closely connecting with the masses and promoting harmony among various social strata and interest groups. By focusing on key areas, sectoral consultations are conducted to study issues of common concern, in order to build up consensus, smooth relations, resolve conflicts, and pool wisdom for the country's reform, development, and stability. 

Zhou emphasized that the development of the times and social progress pose new higher requirements for further strengthening the protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage. Efforts are needed to strengthen theoretical learning to enhance members’ political stance, deeply understand the significance of law-based protection, and adopt a problem-oriented approach to build a rigorous system for the legal protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage. He underscored the need to highlight the characteristics of participating groups and leverage their distinctive advantages to pool wisdom and strength for strengthening law-based protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage. 

Li Qun, vice-minister of culture and tourism and director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, briefed on relevant situation at the meeting. Six attending members of the CPPCC National Committee shared their insights on such topics as the protection and utilization of cultural relics, the inheritance of Red culture, coordination between protection and development, public interest litigation related to cultural relics and cultural heritage, and the legal development of cultural relics and cultural heritage. 

Officials from the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the National Cultural Heritage Administration responded to relevant issues. 

Prior to the meeting, the Committee on Social and Legal Affairs of the CPPCC National Committee organized attending members to visit the Chinese Archaeological Museum.

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