CPWDP holds conference on party work in 2024

Updated: 2024-03-23 en.cppcc.gov.cn

The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP) held its 2024 national party work conference in Beijing from March 18 to 19. 

Yang Zhen, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee and executive vice-chairman of the CPWDP Central Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, highlighting the importance of thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the annual sessions of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC National Committee and calling on CPWDP members to conscientiously align their thinking and action with the decisions and plans made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. 

He also urged efforts by the CPWDP to further strengthen confidence of its members in the country's development, and consciously adhere to promoting China's new political party system. 

Yang called on the CPWDP to make good use of the effects of the thematic education campaign to improve the quality and efficiency of its work and suggestions, better integrate its strengths with the needs of the nation's overall development, and leverage its unique advantages and give full play to the party's professional strengths in special democratic supervision of Yangtze River ecological environment protection. He also called for more efforts to consolidate and expand the benefits of the CPWDP's social services and to continue to promote the CPWDP's organizational construction, especially the development of its leadership teams and high-quality party representatives.

The meeting made arrangements for the work of the CPWDP Central Committee this year. 

Officials in charge of the departments under the CPWDP Central Committee and the office of the central leading group on ideological and political work briefed the meeting about the key tasks for 2024 and reviewed the work done in 2023. Representatives of provincial-level committees held discussions and exchanged ideas on further enhancing party affairs of the CPWDP.

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