CAPD Central Committee to submit 46 proposals to annual session of CPPCC National Committee

Updated: 2024-02-25

The Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD) will submit 46 proposals to the upcoming second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said Wang Gang, vice-chairman of the CAPD Central Committee, at a press briefing on Feb 23 in Beijing.

Of the 46 proposals, 17 involve issues on the education, cultural and publishing sectors.

Twenty-nine proposals are related to the national development strategies and hot issues of public concern, including science and technology, medicine and health, the economy, population, resources and environment, and the legal system.

Among the key proposals are those on building a new pattern for comprehensively safeguarding adolescent mental health, enhancing the protection and inheritance of the Yangtze River culture by building and making good use of the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, and accelerating the construction of "blue granaries" to promote the high-quality development of the marine economy.

The CAPD Central Committee has received a total of 555 sets of proposal materials so far this year, a year-on-year increase of 50 percent. Main contributors include the CAPD's provincial organizations, the CAPD Central Committee’s specialized committees, specially invited researchers, collaborative platforms and relevant institutions, those responsible for the transformation of achievements of relevant meetings and collected public opinions, as well as CAPD Central Committee members, and CAPD members who also serve as CPPCC National Committee members.

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