CPPCC exhibitions focus on Party history

Updated: 2021-06-30 China Daily


One exhibition, a permanent one about the eighth CPC National Congress, opened in the auditorium of the CPPCC National Committee, where the congress was held in September 1956. [Photo/xinhuanet.com]

Two exhibitions on the history of the Communist Party of China opened in Beijing on Tuesday ahead of the 100th anniversary of the CPC's founding on Thursday.

The exhibitions were hosted by the general office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top political advisory body.

One exhibition, a permanent one about the eighth CPC National Congress, opened in the auditorium of the CPPCC National Committee, where the congress was held in September 1956.

The congress was the first national congress of the Party after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, and major decisions concerning economic, political, cultural and diplomatic policies were made during it.

The congress said the socialist system was basically established in China and made clear that the Party should concentrate on turning the country from a backward agrarian country into an advanced industrial one.

It also adopted a revised Party Constitution.

The exhibition displays more than 120 pictures, nearly 100 documents, including papers with the handwritten comments of top leaders at the time, and nearly 50 items from the congress.

It also features sand table displays and oral history videos of participants and staff members at the congress, the general office said.

The other exhibition focuses on the origins of the Party flag, the national flag and the flag of the People's Liberation Army. It is on display in the culture and history hall of the CPPCC National Committee and will run until Oct 31.

The CPC Central Committee issued a regulation on Saturday on the making, use and management of the Party's emblem and flag. It was the first regulation of its kind in the history of the Party.

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