Yang Chuantang leads survey of multi-modal transportation in Hubei

Updated: 2021-05-12 chinadaily.com.cn

Yang Chuantang, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, led a team to Central China's Hubei province to survey the high-quality development of multi-model transportation from April 25 to 27.

The survey team's immediate purpose was to oversee key proposal handling. Its members, from the Committee on Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee, held meetings with local officials and visited port terminals, customs inspection centers and transportation logistics enterprises as part of its survey.

Yang pointed out that the outline on building a country with a strong transportation network and the guidelines on developing comprehensive transportation network released by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council are key strategic decisions made by the central leadership based on the actual conditions and overall planning of the country. The two documents reflect the underpinning role of the transportation industry in fully building the frontline of a modern economic system as well as a modern socialist country.

He said Hubei has made positive progress in implementing the central leadership's instructions and fully using its geographic and resource advantages to push for the development of multi-model transportation, which has led to reinforced infrastructure connectivity, expanded multi-model transportation networks and enhanced integrated service capabilities.

He urged a full understanding of the role of multi-model transportation in the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other with the domestic market as the mainstay. He added that work needs to be focused on key areas such as infrastructure synchronization, data sharing, operation rules coordination, and service enhancement and governance modernization to ensure high-quality development of multi-model transportation.

The survey was a preparation for the upcoming teleseminar to be held in June.

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