Wan Gang addresses CAST National Societies’ annual work conference

Updated: 2020-12-03

There has been good progress in the reform and innovative development of the National Societies of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) since the 19th CPC National Congress, said Wan Gang, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee and chairman of the CAST, at the annual work conference of the CAST National Societies held in Beijing on Nov 30.


In his speech, Wan spoke highly of the latest achievements made by the National Societies, including the building of a value-led open organization, the strengthened role of the organization as a hub for coordinated innovation, and the enhanced capability of the well-governed platform-like organization.  

He stressed that the National Societies should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and follow its historical mission and strategic orientation when planning their development path and prioritizing their efforts. 

He noted that priorities should be given to cutting-edge technology, the economy, major national strategic demands, and people's lives and health, adding that more efforts should be made to promote innovation-driven development, support national strategies, protect science from discrimination and interference, and help build new international relations featuring openness, mutual trust and cooperation. 

Wan also urged the National Societies to further improve their governance and efficiency and look up to their first-class counterparts in the world, so as to develop science and technology independently and build globally-renowned socialist sci-tech societies with Chinese characteristics. 

During the meeting, the CAST and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly released guidelines on promoting the innovative development of the CAST's academic societies. 

The guidelines rolled out a group of incentives on facilitating the international development of the National Societies, providing better services for researchers, and improving governance.

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