Delegation led by Gu Shengzu visits MIIT to review proposal handling

Updated: 2020-11-26

A delegation led by Gu Shengzu, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visited the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) to review progress made in handling proposals on November 24. 

The delegation included Li Zhiyong, director of the Committee on Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee, deputy director Huang Rong, members of the CPPCC National Committee, and CPPCC members. 

Gu, also executive vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association, said such visits are important to help CPPCC members get familiar with work procedures, stay informed on new development, and improve comments and suggestions in future proposals. 

Gu also called for efforts to study and implement instructions of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and deepen exchanges so as to contribute more to the formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035. 

Xiao Yaqing, secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and minister of the MIIT, reported on progress in handling this year's key proposals from the CPPCC National Committee. The ministry is expected to handle 595 proposals this year, of which 206 will be primarily its responsibility. 

The delegation exchanged ideas at the meeting with officials from relevant departments of the ministry on a broad range of topics including digital development, Internet security, data sharing in building the industrial Internet, promotion of programming in the education system, and remuneration packages for industrial software professionals. 

As one innovative approach this year, the visits focused on inspection of progress in handling key proposals. This visit to the MIIT was a follow-up on promoting the industrial development of 5G and other issues.

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